Why "Yoga for Life"
A few people have asked about this photo that I have on my website. It's a picture of me standing with an elderly lady. Some have guessed that she is a relative or a client - nope, she is simply an inspiration. The woman with me in the photo is Tao Porchon-Lynch, and she is in the Guinness Book of World records as the "Oldest Living Yoga Teacher." This year she turned 101.
Tao teaches in New York and a couple of years ago I made it to one of her classes. It was amazing! Not so much for the Yoga - although the class was challenging and Tao can still do things that I can't come close to doing - but for the energy around her. It was not charismatic or other worldly. It was even, soft and inviting. She exudes ease.
We chatted a little bit and she was excited to hear that I also taught children. She talked a little bit about her early life in India and how she was told she couldn't do yoga because she was a girl... so of course she started doing it anyway. Her motto or mantra is "you can do anything!" And she has....
Hip replacements, broken wrists... no worries - along with her yoga practice she started learning ballroom dancing and now dances in competitions - at 101!
So this is the reason for my business name - Amy's Yoga for Life. Yoga is something that everyone can do - it meets you where you are and allows you to grow from there. I love teaching my preschoolers and seeing them discover how to calm their bodies. I love teaching my middle schoolers and seeing them melt into savasana. I love teaching my adults and watching them get a pose they never thought they could do. But mostly I love that yoga is there for me and supports my own journey through this life.