Yoga for Your School
Add a bit of Peace to your school day
Want more grounded and focused students?
Yoga provides a great break from the stress of the school day for both students and teachers! Yoga poses and games can help to focus extra energy and increase body awareness, while strengthening growing bodies. Breath work and age appropriate meditation help young minds begin to learn how to filter out distractions and calm anxiety.
How might yoga fit in to your school's day? Some options include:
Kids classes
Classes for Staff and Teachers
Teacher Workshops and continuing Ed.
Parent classes and Workshops
a new program set to your needs!
Family Yoga
Customized Programs
Yoga Possibilities for Your School
I am passionate about teaching social and emotional learning (SEL) through the practice of yoga and pride myself on my ability to create unique classes tailored to your group of students.  Working with a theme for the school year, or even a book being read that week - we can find yoga and mindfulness through out the day!
Kids Classes - Creative and fun
Yoga for Pre-School - High School
Classes can be created for your school's needs - either before school, during the school day, or as part of an after school program - for any age, pre-school through high school.  All classes will contain breath work, yoga poses, games and age appropriate mindful meditation. Theming of classes can be done to match a current academic topic or classroom goal.  Past fun themes have included: the rainforest; Dr. Seuss; cooperation; team building and Listening skills.
Classes for Teachers and Staff
Professional Development Workshops, Yoga Breaks, Trainings
You can only give what you have... In any classroom, the teacher sets the tone. Stressed teachers have stressed kids. Teachers can benefit greatly from the practice of yoga and mindfulness. Yoga breaks for teachers help relieve stress and help with focus. Workshops can give teachers tips on how to use yoga in the classroom for themselves and their students, encouraging everyone to connect their breath with their body and mind.
Yoga for Parents and Families
Flowing together
Family time has always been sacred, but it's becoming more and more difficult to find in our increasingly busy world.  Give your families time to slow down together and connect in a fun and unique way.  Family yoga can also be themed or focused on a topic of parent interest, such as bedtime rituals, gratitude or communication.